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5 Foods to Stop Eating to Lose Belly Fat


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We all want to lose belly fat but none of us know how! That’s why I put together this list of 5 foods to stop eating to lose belly fat! 


By following these tips below you will be able to reduce bloating and help those abs start to pop! Sometimes it’s hard to figure out which foods, in particular, are causing it, but don’t worry! I’m here to help you get to the bottom of it!

Let’s get into it!!

5 Foods to Stop Eating to Lose Belly Fat

1. Smoothies and juices

Yes, smoothies can make a healthy breakfast, but ONLY if they are filled with a good balance ofFoods-Lose-Belly-Fat nutrients, including protein, carbs, and healthy fats, according to Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDn, creator of

Unfortunately, Most juices are loaded with sugar. It may be healthy sugar coming from apple banana and pears, but either way, this turns to fat in the body.

These sugars found in fruit hold no nutritional value! 

In juices, drinks are stripped of that fiber so you are missing benefits you would’ve had if you had just eaten the fruit itself.

If ordering a smoothie,  go for ones that have veggies lemon, kale (kale can cause blasting so b careful)

Tips for going out: Order smoothies that you can see packaging.  For example, if there is an açaí drink, make sure there are no added sugars.  Customize it to make it your own.

Sugar can raise inflammation and care undue stress on your body.

This stress can, in turn, increase in your cortisol hormone which in turn = increase in your fat.

So basically, this is just not a good route to take!!

Try to reduce your sugar and be particular about your sugar and juices.

Some healthy fats can come from unsweetened nut butter, chia, hemp, or ground flax seeds.  These ingredients add some crunch and are good for digestion.  Taub-Dix even says, “adding 2% Greek yogurt incorporates healthy fats and proteins without loading too many calories.”

Looking for a refreshing smoothie drink that has multiple benefits and can DEBLOAT your body?

I recommend trying the Tropical immunity packs from Sambazon

Reasons to try: 

  • Ingredient rich in vitamin C
  • Help with bloating and digestion – high in fiber and water
  • Pineapple is anti-inflammatory and helps with bloating
  • Packs have 10 x vitamin c that an orange has
  • Perfect summer smoothie to get rid of bloat

2. Raw vegetables:


“But vegetables are good for you!! Are you saying we can’t have them too!?” 

Okay, let’s back this train up a bit!

You may think that vegetables are really good for you and are super nutrient-dense.  My answer to that is, yes and no.

You NEED vegetables in your diet. 

But there are certain vegetables that are hard for our bodies to digest, ESPECIALLY when they are raw.

Here are 5 veggies you should take the time to prepare before scarfing down! 
  • Asparagus: Eating this raw won’t harm you but cooking it will help your body absorb more of its cancer-fighting nutrients. Try steaming them or sautéing them with olive oil garlic powder and lemon juice.
  • Mushrooms: Like asparagus, they can be eaten rich, but you can receive more of their potassium-rich benefits if you take the time to sauté or grill them.  Not to mention, mushrooms are the perfect addition to many favorite dishes, like pizza 😉
  • Brussel sprouts: these vegetables are PERFECT for causing gas and bloating. Two things you DO NOT want.  To help minimize that try cooking them a bit.  They can still cause bloating so watch how many you have.
  • Broccoli and cauliflower: Cruciferous vegetables have hard to digest sugars that become easier to break down only when cooked.  Those with thyroid conditions should make sure to avoid these types of vegetables. Until cooked, cruciferous veggies contain thyroid inhibitors than can worsen thyroid conditions. [1]
  • Potatoes: When uncooked, potatoes contain toxins and anti-nutrients that can cause harm to the body.  They can also cause digestive discomfort. Make sure you thoroughly boil or bake them!

3. Giving up regular dairy

This one is focused on helping you de-bloat.

If you’re on the dairy train, you need to have the right TYPE of dairy.

I LOVE cheese, I could eat my body weight in cheese.  THIS IS ME BELOW!!


However, it can make you super bloated 🙁 Believe me, I’m just as sad as you are, if not more.

On the bright side, cheese dairy can have some benefits if you have the right kind!!

What do you need to do?

Focus on having raw cheese or grass-fed.  These have more benefits than traditional dairy due to the presence of higher antioxidants and vitamins.

Moreover, they are really rich in probiotics which is great for gut health. (Side note:  kombucha really helps with digestion and keeps everything moving.  You’re welcome!)

Do you want to see those abs start POPPIN girlfriend!? Well, this is one of those things you need to drop in order to see those changes right away!

So you, my friends, need to go on something I like to call a CHEESTOX. I myself have gone on one for a week or two and it was so hard I ended up absentmindedly eating cheese without even realizing.

4.  Start ditching all processed foods and minimizing gluten.

Processed food is the most important to ditch! This is where you will find the most glutenous things.

BUT, before you go and get gluten-free everything, this does NOT mean you need to be gluten-free.

Gluten-free DOES NOT = healthy.

FACT: Foods like cereal are actually NOT good for you.  They go through processing to have a longer shelf life and more long-lasting flavor.

Eating this can cause weight gain and bloat.

Processed foods add sodium, sugar, and bad fats to make food taste better and last longer. 

NOTE:  If it comes in a box or package READ THE LABELS. Try and go for less than 5 ingredients.

5. Artificial sweeteners may not be as good as they are made out to be.

They can give you bloating and wreak havoc on your stomach! 

Want to know the worst part about using sugar-free stuff?? 

They create that same response in your brain as an actual sugary treat!! Instead of getting rid of your sugar cravings, you are actually FEEDING THEM.

You begin to crave sugar even more.  This won’t get better with time if you continue.

The solution??

The more you eliminate sugar from your diet, the less you crave it! 

PRO TIP: Use monk fruit sweetener or stevia from time to time — these ingredients come from plants so they are not as processed as Splenda.

There ya have it! 5 foods to avoid to lose belly fat

If you’re struggling to stay motivated as you make your way through your fitness journey take a look at my article 5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight to get you started!!

Related articles: How to Lose Weight Fast: 5 Proven Methods

One Page Printable: Weekly Meal Planner



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Oh Hi! I’m Caitlin – a full time working gal navigating this thing called life just like you. I hope to be a helpful source for you whether you’re looking for healthy recipes, especially dessert, or just some health and life tips. BTW be prepared to see ALL of the chocolate!  Learn More!

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