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7 Foods that Increase Libido

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Looking for ways to boost your sex life? Luckily there are a variety of things you can do in your everyday life that can help you out in that department! Keep scrolling to find out the 7 foods that increase libido!


So what is low libido? Low libido means that there is a decrease in interest in sex. It’s okay to lose interest in sex from time to time, but low libido for long periods of time can be a. cause of concern for some people.

You might not have known this but, keeping your circulatory system in check can lead to improved sexual responses from both men and women. So basically if a food is good for your heart, it is good for a person’s sex life!

The American Heart Association recommend that diet include:

  • a wide range of fruits and vegetables
  • whole grains and plenty of fiber
  • healthful oils, such as olive oil and sunflower oil
  • seafood, nuts, and legumes

Following this heart healthy diet can most likely help certain aspects of your sex life! Now let’s get into it!

7 Foods that Increase Libido

1. Avocados


The wonderful avocado. Avocados are loved by many for a multitude of reasons. One of them being that they taste super delicious and can be eaten soooo many different ways! But did you know they are one of the foods that increase libido in men and women?

Avocados are loaded with minerals, monounsaturated fats which. help protect the heart and are full of vitamin B6. This helps keep your energy and sex drive up. In addition, they are a great source of omega-3s, which will boost your mood and make you even more excited in the bedroom! 😉

Researchers also found out that people who ate avocados had a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome, which is a risk factor for ED.

So all in all, keep enjoying your avo toast as much as you want and if you are looking for more ways to incorporate avocados into your diet, take a look at these 10 Ways To Eat Avocados!!

2. Broccoli

Idk about you guys but I LOOOVEEE ME SOME BROCCOLI! And it turns out they come in handy for your sex life!

Broccoli is awesome cause you can eat it many ways: cooked, raw, or sautéed. Just throw them on your salad or add it as a side to your steak dinner.

Now, broccoli has high vitamin C content which improves the blood circulation to your organs and has been suggested to improve the libido in women.

This is great news for me since I love adding broccoli to my meals. I feel like it is definitely my go to veggie!

Tip: An easy and tasty way to have broccoli is by steaming them and adding fresh crushed garlic and oil to them!

3. Nuts and Seeds


Amongst the foods that increase libido are nuts and seeds! Instead of candy, try snacking on thes. bad boys!

Cashews and almonds ( my personal faves) are FULL of zinc, L-arginine, and omega-3s that could help increase your sexual function!

Try the following:

  • pumpkin seeds
  • pecans
  • walnuts
  • hazelnuts
  • peanuts

Walnuts are super rich in omega-3s so you definitely want to include those in your diet.

I personally try to get a handful of almonds in my diet every day, partly because I have to watch my cholesterol, and almonds are known to help.

If you don’t like eating any of those nuts plain, I suggest you throw them in a salad or bake them into something! It is super delish! I promise you!

4. Oysters

According to Medical News Today: Oysters have more zinc than any other food per serving. This is essential for testosterone production. Even though women have MUCH LESS testosterone than men, it surprisingly plays an important role in the female libido! They also boost dopamine, a hormone that increases libido in both men and women!

Some examples of other foods that are high in zinc are:

  • red meat
  • lobster
  • crab
  • pine nuts

5. Chocolate

I am sure we have all heard of this one. Chocolates are advertised for lovers, especially on Valentine’s day. It has been a symbol of desire for more than just its delicious taste.

According to one study, chocolate promotes the release of phenylethylamine and serotonin into your body. This can produce some aphrodisiac and mood-lifting effects.

However, other studies claim the effects of chocolate can be more psychological than biological.

Either way, you can find me eating chocolate all day everyday!! Its just SO TASTY!

Here are my favorite chocolates (yes I have a list):

6. Salmon


Salmon is very well known for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids. But do you know the full effect omega plays on the body??

Omega-3s help prevents the buildup of plaque in your arteries, according to a 2017 Review. This promotes healthy blood flow throughout your body. As mentioned above, keeping your circulatory system in check reduces the risk of certain diseases that impairs sexual function.

In addition, omega- 3 fatty acids found in salmon can slightly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease events and death.

7. Maca

According to Healthline, Maca, “is a root vegetable traditionally used to enhance fertility and sex drive.” It a cruciferous vegetable and therefore related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. The main edible part of this plant is the root, which grows underground. However, you can buy supplements in various forms, including powders, capsules, and liquid extracts.

“In a review of 4 studies in 131 people, taking maca consistently for at least 6 weeks improved sexual desire. It also helped treat mild erectile dysfunction in men.”

Additionally, there is some evidence to support that maca may help combat the loss in libido that results from certain antidepressants!

Most studies found that taking 1.5 -3.5 grams daily at least 2 -12 weeks was sufficient to boost your libido!

So where do I get Maca? How do I exactly ingest it?

Great questions!!

Maca is typically dried and consumed in powder form, but it is also available in capsules and a liquid extract!

Here a just a few from amazon:

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Oh Hi! I’m Caitlin – a full time working gal navigating this thing called life just like you. I hope to be a helpful source for you whether you’re looking for healthy recipes, especially dessert, or just some health and life tips. BTW be prepared to see ALL of the chocolate!  Learn More!

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